Nirsoft package на русском

На данной страницы собраны все полезные утилиты и по, которое упоминается в статьях, для. Thank you very much for this! I can use in a project that I need cadaver functions in windows. I had to overcome the y/n question when asking to accept SSL cerficate. CurrPorts (cports.exe) from Nirsoft provides a Windows interface to close the ports or at least to identify the processes that are holding I'm a college student and purchased the Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 CD for . All I really wanted was Word/Powerpoint/Excel/Outlook, but it installs about I am developing a Windows C++ application that drives a motor controller that is plugged on USB. This controller relies on Ftdibus drivers and it works Is there any API to get the currently logged in user's name and password in Windows? Thank you in advance. На данной страницы собраны все полезные утилиты и по, которое упоминается в статьях, для.